Independence Botanical Gardens
While located within the Independence Botanical Gardens, the Baton Rouge Garden Center is owned and managed by the Baton Rouge Garden Club. For information regarding renting the Center for meetings, receptions, shows, etc., contact the Center directly at 225-928-2270.
Location: Independence Blvd. between Airport and Lobdell
Hours of Operation: 7 AM – Sundown Daily
Admission: Free and Open to the Public
Contact: 225-928-2270
Write to: Independence Botanical Garden, 7950 Independence Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70806
About the Garden
The Botanical Gardens at Independence Community Park welcome you to stroll through our pleasant surroundings to observe nature in Baton Rouge. The Gardens were begun in 1991 through initiatives of BREC and the Botanic Garden Foundation, and it is still a work in progress.
A Master Development Plan for the Botanical Gardens has been adopted by BREC and the Botanic Garden Foundation. It is being constructed in phases as funds become available. Volunteers, along with BREC Planning and Engineering, do much of the work in designing, planning and maintaining the gardens. BREC employs a landscape crew that maintains the grounds, working closely with the Botanic Garden Foundation.
A successful effort has been made to integrate the Independence Botanical Gardens and the grounds of the Library, creating a vibrant space for people to enjoy nature. Special programs for adults and hands-on gardening activities for children are offered to provide recreational activities that build an appreciation of our southern environment.
History of the Land
Independence Community Park was originally a part of Goodwood Plantation. It was purchased in 1931 by East Baton Rouge Parish and used as the Downtown Airport for 44 years and closed in 1975. The City-Parish Council designated a part of the original 200-acre site for a public park which opened in 1976. The 1988 revised Master Plan for the park proposed a 15-acre site within the dedicated park for the botanical gardens. The master plan was updated in 2015 and the latest phase of construction, including the Parterre Garden, Southern Walkway and Butterfly Garden, was completed in 2018.
The Baton Rouge Botanic Garden Foundation
Following the establishment of the revised Master Plan in 1988, a collaboration of various plant societies, organizations and garden clubs joined together to form what was known as the Botanic Garden Council and sponsored the development of the initial gardens now contained within the Botanical Gardens. The collaboration later organized and became incorporated in 1993 under the name of Friends of the Garden and in 2000 re-filed as The Botanic Garden Foundation at Independence Park. The Foundation, comprised of community volunteers, works in partnership with BREC to oversee the gardens, raise funds for development and provide educational opportunities for the public. The general public is welcome to attend any of the quarterly held meetings of the Board of Directors.
Renting the Baton Rouge Garden Center
For typical six hour rental contract for Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays:
Description | Fee |
Rental Fee for Fridays & Sundays | $900 |
Reseravation Fee for Saturdays | $300 |
Extra hours at $60/HR. Guard service is included
Reservation Fee is Non-Refundable. Balance of Fees and Damage Deposit are due within 30 days. Any refunds require 90 days notice of cancellation.
For garden clubs, garden shows, meetings during the week, other hourly rates apply.
Ann Adams, Managers of the Baton Rouge Garden Center
Phone: (225)928-2270
Email: brgardencenter@att.net
Due to limited office hours, please leave voice mail when calling or email
Garden Center Hours of Operation: Tuesday & Thursday, 9:30 a.m.- 2:30 p.m.
Garden Center Society Meetings
- Bromeliad Society Meets Every Second Thursday at 7 p.m.
- Bonsai Society Meets Every Third Tuesday at 7 p.m.
- Baton Rouge Garden Club Meets Every Third Friday at 9 a.m.
- BR Cactus & Succulent Society Meets Every Fourth Thursday at 7 p.m.
The Botanical Gardens is continuing to grow and improve. New and expanded gardens are included in the plans, but much is dependent on the availability of funding. Volunteers are always needed to work in the gardens. Become involved! Make a financial contribution of $10 a year to become a member of the Friends of the Garden. For more information, please contact us at the above listings.
The Baton Rouge Garden Center
The Crape Myrtle Grove

The Sensory Garden

The Rose Garden

The Louisiana Iris Garden

The Day Lily Garden

The Butterfly Garden

The Ginger Garden

The Parterre Color Display Garden

The Southern Classic Walkway

The Independence Promenade