- Wi-Fi
- Restrooms
- Basketball - Outdoor Court
- Dog Park
- Lake
- Nature Trails
- Outdoor Fitness Station
- Pavilion
- Playground
- Recreation Center
- Skate Park
- Spray Pad
- Walking Track/Loop – Outdoor
- Sand Volleyball Court
- Fishing
Hours of Operation: Sunrise to sunset
BREC offers bank fishing only, no motorized boats. No trot lines. Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries laws must be followed.
Click here to learn more about fishing at BREC lakes.
Soft peat gravel walking and running trails are located throughout the park.
Community Playground
A large community playground hosts a variety of slides, equipment and climbing aparatus on artifical footing. No more sandy shoes or bottoms! Parents are welcome to join in the play or sit comfortably nearby to watch their child interact with other children.